Worker’s Ransom honey and hive products are locally produced by honeybees pollinating and gathering nectar from flowers within three to five miles of their hive, and our hives are currently located in Phelps, NY. Sarah aspires to keep hives within the city limits of Geneva once the zoning ordinance allows it.
Worker’s Ransom honey is raw and unpasteurized, sourced and packaged from individual, single hives- never mixed, combined, or diluted. When bottled, our honey is sometimes warmed to typical hive temperature to ensure flow into bottles while retaining the natural benefits of the honey. Most pollen is 10-1000 microns in size, so we strain our honey at 600 microns to ensure beneficial pollen, enzymes, and minerals remain in the final honey product while less favored materials are removed.
Worker’s Ransom honeybee hives are managed and cared for by Sarah A. Meyer, a native of Geneva, NY. Sarah first enrolled in a ‘Beginner Beekeeping Class’ in January 2014. She purchased her first hive the following spring. Through partnerships with nearby managed organic farms and gardens, Sarah’s hives are hosted locally; pollinating local gardens, meadows, fields, orchards, and forests. In 2019, Sarah became a contract beekeeper, managing over 30 hives for Casella Waste Management and Wegmans Organic Farm. She is working to obtain her Cornell University’s Master Beekeeping Certificate (September 2025) and routinely attends beekeeping webinars and classes to stay attuned to new management techniques.